
Browse the portfolio of Tanika’s professional photography work and learn more of her experience in the industry using her blog posts she writes for each project she completes.

Gold Coast Homewares Product Photography for House Society

House Society … my gosh what a store! … I was so thrilled to work with Jessica Pulijich on the launch of her first online furniture and homewares store. I very skilled Interior Designer that was a unique and interesting take on the world of interiors. We (especially here in Australia) needed a store like Jess’s. Her own home was used as the backdrop for the photo shoot, and of course each ‘set’ was styled to perfection. I simply had to capture the magic in the best light.

Jess, my assistant Cara and I worked together on 2 days of shooting to give House Society plenty of content for her brand new website and the advertising for her business.

Head over to her website to have a good browse and enjoy the rich colours and vibrant patterns of this eclectic store.

Here’s a little peek at some of my favourite shots.

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