
Browse the portfolio of Tanika’s professional photography work and learn more of her experience in the industry using her blog posts she writes for each project she completes.

Brisbane Interior Photography for Architects and Designers, Gray Puksand

Brisbane Interior Photography for Gray Puksand … this is our 3rd shoot for this awesome company, I’m so thrilled every time they contact me.

Using the iPad tethered to the camera is key to getting this style of shoot right, as every piece of furniture is tweaked for each camera angle/shot … being able to walk into frame and see on the large screen exactly what you are doing is what makes these shots possible with such a small team to execute this shoot.

Adding people into these shoots really help show how the space is used, you’ll often spot me in shots for Gray Puksand too, when we just need one more person.

This shoot was smaller but the last shoot for Gray Puksand back in February, we had 6 people in some shots, and that takes a lot to get the positions just right for each person, but so so worth it for the final shots of the bigger commercial spaces.

How to position models, getting the figure blur right and a variety of ideas for using people in interior photography is covered in my interior photography 1:1 mentoring.