
Browse the portfolio of Tanika’s professional photography work and learn more of her experience in the industry using her blog posts she writes for each project she completes.

Gold Coast Architecture and Interior Photography for Builder, Highlife Homes

Gold Coast Architecture and Interior Photography for Highlife Homes.

We will always be flexible for weather, and rearrange shoots for optional weather conditions but sometimes the show must simply go on because the clients needs the photos ASAP.

We were lucky on this shoot day, that the thick cloud cover broke at different times and we were able to capture the way the sunlight was hitting the home. I had to be fast, set up whatever we could while the cloud was there and just be ready to get each shot quickly when the clouds decided to give us a break 🙌🏼

I use Willy Weather and the BOM Gov app to keep a close eye on the weather always, and know when and if the cloud cover is going to break with enough time to capture some golden magic. I also use the Sun Surveyor app to help me predict where and when the sun is going to hit (to plan my shoots but also on the shoot)

This 3 story townhouse, was captured in complete in 7 hrs.

I absolutely love teaching my interior photography skills to my mentoring students. It’s been such a joy I didn’t know I would love so much, realising just how much I have learnt in the last 10 years and how much I have to share.