
Browse the portfolio of Tanika’s professional photography work and learn more of her experience in the industry using her blog posts she writes for each project she completes.

Bilinga Interior Photography for an Airbnb by Ranger Property

A beautiful location for Ranger Property’s newest airbnbs, these beauties are side by side in Bilinga, QLD.

I work with such talented creatives, and Tanya from Ranger Property is one of them, she puts her airbnbs together so wonderfully, with so many lovely little touches … it’s up to me to use the iPad and tweak every styling detail for each angle/shot … to really bring her vision and the look and feel of the property to life.

The clients that allow the time to do this, are so thankful for the style tweaked photos.

Having a background in interior design has definitely given me an advantage to understand styling for the interior environment, I’m just generally obsessed with the industry anyway.